Epiq Paws is providing virtual care for the whole family, including your pets

Picture it: it’s 2 am, and something is wrong with your pet. What do you do?`

Our veterinarians can determine if your four-legged family member needs an immediate visit to an emergency room or can be cared for and monitored at home. With Epiq Paws, your pets will receive the same care and support as the rest of the family. This means 24/7/365 access to licensed veterinarians and a prescription discount card that can be used to fill most of your pet’s medication needs. Epiq MD knows how much you love your pets and wants to ensure that they are taken care of.

A new standard of virtual pet care offers you the opportunity to ask questions, get a second opinion and understand if you need to take your pet to the ER. You also have the option to discuss behavioral issues, training, or wellness – all from the comfort of your own home, at your convenience.

How It Works
Access your pet portal or call us
Tell us what’s wrong and schedule consultation
Start your visit with a veterinarian
Get a recommendation to help your pet feel better

24/7/365 Pet Care

Epiq Paws’ pet telehealth technology provides you with access to licensed veterinarians nationwide. Veterinarians who are able to provide expert recommendations.

Talk to a Professional today for guidance in the proper care of your pet. Virtual pet care offers you support and guidance, all from the comfort and convenience of your own home.

What is the Epiq PAWs add on?
Epiq Paws is around-the-clock, 24/7/365, unlimited access to a dedicated team of veterinarians. The consultation is real-time via the phone or video on your mobile device or computer. It enables you to ask questions, get a second opinion, understand if you need to take your pet to the Vet or ER, discusses behavioral issues, training and wellness. Epiq Paws is NOT FOR EMERGENCIES. If you think you have an emergency, call your vet immediately.
Can Epiq Paws replace regular in-office visits?
Epiq Paws is NOT a replacement for regular in-office visits or vaccinations. By law, our telemedicine vet services cannot diagnose or prescribe medications for your pet. This is not pet insurance. Epiq Paws vets reserve the right to deny care for potential misuse of services. Epiq Paws operates subject to state regulations.
Will I speak to a licensed veterinarian?
Yes, our dedicated team of veterinarian telehealth specialists are all licensed veterinarians.