Urgent Care with Epiq MD is all about connecting people with medical professionals in the most convenient and comfortable way possible. This means making our medical professionals available 24/7/365 that can be contacted from anywhere via phone, laptop or other mobile devices. We believe our Urgent Care service is the backbone of what makes Epiq MD well Epiq.
70% of doctor visits can be done with ease over the phone, with concurrently 40% of emergency room visits also available over the phone. Costs of doctors’ visits range anywhere from $60 to over $300, but now with Epiq MD’s Urgent Care services, you can avoid costly visits saving time and money.
With Epiq MD, you will receive the same standard of care and professional services offered in any traditional medical setting without the hassle of visiting a doctor’s office. You can connect with a board-certified doctor from wherever you are.
Epiq MD medical professionals will evaluate, diagnose, care for and prescribe as they best see fit to handle your healthcare needs.
Late Night Care When You Need It Most
When your child is sick in the middle of the night, and their pediatrician is not on call, and the nearest urgent care is miles away from where you are, Epiq MD is here to help. With Epiq MD, you can connect virtually with one of our medical professionals 24/7/365 from your laptop or smartphone.
Our board-certified doctors are always on call and can be contacted from the comfort of your own home. No more rushing to urgent care or sitting in busy waiting rooms for something that can so easily be done virtually.
Say goodbye to spending hundreds of dollars in fees. Get the convenient care you need for your child to start feeling better.
Anywhere Means Anywhere
For many people across the nation, access to medical professionals can be hard to come by. Those in rural areas sometimes have to drive thirty minutes to an hour to speak to a doctor regarding an issue that easily can be addressed over the phone. With Epiq MD, these people will save time, money and peace of mind knowing that when they need to speak to a medical professional, Epiq MD has them covered.
Epiq MD understands the struggle that can come from trying to find a doctor when things go south on vacations and trips away from home. While we put a big emphasis on being able to contact medical professionals from the comfort of your own home, we’ve made certain that our members will experience the same ease of access and exceptional service no matter where they are.